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The Full Story


Hi lovely! Thank you so much for visiting my site and taking an interest in my business. My name is Emily and I am the owner and founder of The Messy Hive. After studying for four long years to be an English Teacher, I worked full time in a secondary school teaching young people. I specialised in educating children with additional learning needs and completely fell in love with the profession.


Then, in 2019, I met the love of my life and in three short years we married and got pregnant. I gave birth to my first born in 2023, my beautiful baby boy, Casey. After a rough pregnancy and an even rougher start to being a new mummy, I found my stride. I enjoyed spending every precious day with my son in those first few months and found nothing more beautiful than watching him grow and watching us learn together as a family.


As the months passed by, I relished in being a mother, but found myself craving a part of myself that I'd left behind to be one; educating. I knew I would be going back to teaching part time but I just knew now was the right time for something new. I wasn't ready to give up this time with my son and in the process of motherhood, I'd found myself developing a new passion for early years education. I began researching and teaching myself about babies, their brains, the way they learn, the way they grow and the way they develop. I became interested in how every single thing I did as a mother, had a direct impact on Casey's development.


Once Casey turned 5 months old and was able to sit up unaided, I began to experiment with different activities using a Tuff Tray. Each day I exposed Casey to messy/sensory/montessori play and watched as he used the materials I provided to mark make, fill, pour, taste, transfer, weigh, match and create. It filled my heart with so much joy and I realised, this was filling the void I'd been missing. This was education without boundaries, without tests and rules. This is what I was meant to do.


I knew so many Mummy's and Daddy's who didn't feel comfortable having mess in their homes, and some who didn't know where to start when coming up with activities to help with their child's development. I knew I could share my knowledge as an educator but also my knowledge as a mum and provide a special, inclusive class where children could have fun, be creative without boundaries and thrive.


So, with a tummy full of butterflies, and as much gumption as I could muster, I took the plunge and worked hard to bring my vision to life: The Messy Hive 


"I enjoyed spending every precious day with my son in those first few months and found nothing more beautiful than watching him grow and watching us learn together as a family"


" I knew I could share my knowledge as an educator but also my knowledge as a mum and provide a special, inclusive class where children could have fun, be creative without boundaries and thrive"


"So, with a tummy full of butterflies, and as much gumption as I could muster, I took the plunge and worked hard to bring my vision to life: The Messy Hive"





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